Welcome to Black Forest Biz Academy 

Your business is only as strong as its foundation. Make it a sturdy one!

Our approach to coaching is a thought-provoking process of transformative learning. We created this program with the perfect combination of online resources, tools and support to get you out of any financial distress you're presently experiencing with your business. We want to help you get laser-focused on your highest income-producing activities and help you develop and then apply the fundamentals that build multimillion dollar businesses.

So, let yourself realize that your business foundation is the key to yourself, and arm yourself with some of the most detailed, real-life, proven strategies and training in the world!

Are you ready to arm your business with some of the most powerful tools and strategies available?


“Helping passionate business owners exceed their own expectations is what drives my desire to help.”
— Nikki Swartzwelder, Chief Business 

The Start- Foundation Building
It all begins with an idea. Maybe you want to launch a business. Maybe you want to turn a hobby into something more. Or maybe you already have a business that you need to take to the next level. Whatever it is, we have resources, knowledge and passion to serve, to help create a firm foundation

The Fight- Strategies to Dominate

You’ve launched your business, but now, reality kicks in and results are not as desired. You are not dominating the market, your brand is not standing out and you aren’t generating enough leads, conversion rate is minimal and revenue is struggling! We can help you implement simple strategies that will generate 2-3x more revenue, without spending any additional dollars on marketing and advertising.

The Legacy- Continuous Improvement

Your dream became a reality, so now you have an even larger, more ambitious goal! You are building a legacy, a family name, a franchise, and you need a big picture lens and point of view to ensure you capaitalize on every opportunity! Rather your want to scale, franchise, or revamp your technology or operations, we can be there every step of the way.
Write your awesome label here.

How you can ensure the success of your business?

It's easier than you think! Increase your business IQ by starting from the beginning, understanding the economy, legal structure, business requirements, and more!

Our Approach

Building a foundation of knowledge, understanding, preparedness and ultimately, domination.

1. Get back to the basics

Learn what terms you should know, research, and analyze. Know your target market and analyze your competition. 
Ensure you have set goals, expectations and plans of exceeding them.  Learn what you should be tracking, how often and why. 

2. Outline your areas of opportunity

Through understanding your foundational elements, you can now analyze where your business is, versus where you want it to be. This is where we learn strategies to address these areas of opportunity and how to implement them.

3. Continuous Improvement

Business-development is not a static thing, but a dynamic process. The market is changing and you will also see huge changes in business through your continuous improvement processes. So, you need to constantly readjust your plan to be in align with the given conditions.

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