Course overview

Business Foundations

This business foundations course takes you all the way back to Economics 101, and Intro to Business, and focuses greatly on increasing your "entrepreneur IQ". As a small business owner, if you don't understand the economy and legal system, and requirements of your business, you success is unlikely. This will help arm you with knowledge of those with MBAs and help you create a firm foundation to build your business on. 
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A faulty infrastructure or business model

is one of the top 5 reasons that small businesses fail in one year.

Inexperience managing a business

can negatively impact small businesses.

A poorly visualized business plan

 can lead to ongoing problems once the firm is operational.

What's included?

  • Videos
  • Coordinating PDFs
  • Assessments
  • Workbook

Become Business Savvy

You will learn how to speak the language, understand the intent, and address business hurdles. This get you in the right midset to make your business soar! 

Foundation Building

With the right tools and resources, you will know exactly what steps you need to take to build a firm foundation for your business, make it nearly impossible for failure!
Meet the instructor

Nikki Swartzwelder

CEO and Chief Business Strategist Nikki Swartzwelder is a U.S. Navy Veteran, and graduate of American Military University with a Masters in Business Administration. Nikki has an extensive background in retail, operations, continuous improvement, marketing, product and project management, and most importantly experiences that directly reflect and have shaped her responses. Nikki leads development workshops and delivers presentations at both the college and corporate level.
Patrick Jones - Course author
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