Our Story

We truly want you to succeed!

Small businesses are the true economical fuel, and the stronger our small buisnesses are the, stronger and more firm the foundation is. A strong economy makes a strong national defense, and in order to strengthen the economy, we have to help small businesses and startups thrive.

Black Forest Biz Academy was created with YOU in mind. We have been there, we've seen and tackled the same challenges you face each day! We have structured our programs so that no matter where you are in your business journey, there is a pathway to success! We also understand that there are other learning needs and resources that we should provide, so we offer instructor-led courses, webinars and corporate Sales Mastery and Business Development Workshops!

Everyone has a story behind their business, and we want to help you tell it! Completion of these programs provide you with a roadmap to success, that will strengthen your business and add to our nation's strong economical foundation. 
Number of happy clients
Coaching Certifications
Number of goals achieved

What our clients have to say

"Black foresting Consulting has been knowledgable and responsive to my company's business and most of all trut worthy"
TIm Haley
"Let Nikki help your business thrive rapidly in this ever changing world. Her management consulting includes: project management strategic planning, technology implementation, agile framework operations strategy, and small business"
Terrian Carter
"Chuck Tyler from Millenium Ventures LLC knows a thing or two about service starting with his service to our country. He is committed to assisting others in their quest for leadership development. Lets support our vets. Highly recommend!"
Wydetth Maits

Words | live by

“All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them.”
Walt Disney

Grow your business now!

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